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Myles Munroe, or: Let freedom ring!!
I have not yet met my brother in person yet. I hope to some day.

In 45 minutes he taught me more about my Promised Land than all the preachers I know have in the past 23 years that I have been a Christian.

He has written a book called In Pursuit of Purpose. I have not read it yet. But I will one day.

You ask, Why is brother Munroe so special? I will tell you about my breakthrough, so you will know why he is special to me.

For years I struggled. I struggled in ignorance. I struggled with sin. I struggled against my enemy. And when I thought I had the victory, along came sin or my enemy and he defeated me again.

Brother Myles taught me I have to hang in there. No matter what. Keep on doing what is right. And when you stumble, pick yourself up again. And you go on doing what is right.

But wait, I am going beyond what he taught me specifically. Here is what he taught me:

When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, God did not take them into the Promised Land right away. They did not have the right mentality to fight or to live in freedom. So God told Moses to lead them into the wilderness.
Why? They had never been trained to fight or take care of themselves. God took care of them in the wilderness for forty years. And when all of them had died, because they were not willing to change their minds, God led their children under Joshua's leadership into the Promised Land.

What had God done for them? He had led them out of Egypt into deliverance only. As Christians we are merely delivered. Paul wrote to the Galatians: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." (Galatians 5:1) Now I wish the translators had said: "It is for freedom that Christ has delivered us." All I had for 23 years was deliverance. And maybe I was never ready for freedom the way I am now.

So what determines freedom? It is me accepting responsibility for everything in my life. I have to be responsible for my own walk in Christ. I have to control myself. I have to walk and act and do right all the time. And then I will become free.

Freedom is hard work, brother Myles says. And it is true. God wants to build character into us.

Cross the Jordan River, and walk in freedom.

The full message is available as a transcript of a Bible Study he taught on TBN Europe in one of bro. Mark Chironna's programmes. Click here to read that message.

If you would like to go to bro. Munroe's message on deliverance, click here.

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